
by CRIP - Ajuntament dels Hostalets de Pierola

Travel & Local


Multimedia Guide to discover palaeontology at Els Hostalets de Pierola.

P@leo_rutes is an interactive tool aimed at the whole family that is much more than your usual media guide.P@leo_rutes is made up of three routes around major palaeontological findings in Els Hostalets de Pierola. Thanks to the activation of geolocation information, this guide will teach you in situ more about the most important recent paleontological discoveries, one of them beeing Pierolapithecus catalaunicus, also known as Pau.- Download the application on your mobile device or rent a tablet at the CRIP of Els Hostalets de Pierola.- Go to Els Hostalets de Pierola.- Choose one of the three routes.- And begin to walk.- As you walk, the app contents will automatically appear at each point of interest.- Some very special guides will accompany you on an adventure full of surprises. Reconstructions of virtual environments, 3D models of extinct species, positional audios, interactive games and augmented reality are some of the technologies that we have put at your fingertips for you to get to know the Miocene period and all the research done on it.What did this area look like 12 million years ago? What type of animals where inhabiting it? What do we know about them? Our scientists Màrius, Roc and Gaia will help you on your way to discovery while you enjoy a unique landscape at the feet of the mountain Montserrat. Your skills will be rewarded!Performance improvements.